AMI | Acute myocardial infarction |
ARFI | Acoustic Radiation Force Impulse |
ASCI | Ascites |
ASP | Invasive aspergillosis |
AVN | Avascular necrosis in the femural head |
BACT | Bacteremia |
BART | Bartonellosis |
CERC | Cervical cerclage |
CHAG | Chagas disease (American trypanosomiasis) of the CNS |
CLD | Chronic liver disease |
CTAB | CT abdomen |
DIA | Diabetes mellitus |
ENDO | Endocarditis |
ESRD | End stage renal disease |
FAT | Fatal case with insufficient data |
FIBS | Fibroscan stiffness (add elasticity value in CEP_V) |
FRA | Bone fracture (irrespective of location) |
HEP | Hepatic encephalopathy |
HESY | Hepatorenal syndrome |
HOSP | Hospitalisation |
ICP | Invasive Cardiovascular Procedures |
ICU | Admission for the ICU |
JAUN | Jaundice |
LAC | Lactic acidosis |
LEIS | Leishmaniasis, visceral |
LIVB | Liver biopsy |
LIVD | Liver decompensation |
LIVT | Liver transplantation |
MCDI | Microsporidosis diarrhoes (dur. > 1 month) |
MENI | Meningitis |
NADM | Non-AIDS defining malignancies |
NOCA | Nocardiosis |
OESO | Oesophageal variceal bleeding |
OSTI | Ostitis |
PAN | Pancreatitis |
PCE | Pneumocystis carinii extrapulmonary |
PERI | Spontaneous bacterial peritonitis |
PMAR | Penicillium marneffei, disseminated |
PNEU | Pneumonia |
PYEL | Pyelonephritis |
REQU | Rhodococcus equi disease |
STR | Stroke (infarction or haemorrhagia) |
USAB | Ultrasound imaging of the abdomen |