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Last Post 22 Nov 2015 12:00 AM by  SuperUser Account
tblPREG_OUT - Pregnancy outcome (3)
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SuperUser Account

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22 Nov 2015 12:00 AM

    Dear All

    This is the third topic with discussions of tables related to pregnant women and pregnancy outcomes in view of potential inclusion of some of the tables/variables in the IeDEA data harmonization efforts.

    Please see for the current version.

    BM suggests to consider the use of the three key fields

    MOTHER_ID Patient ID of mother of child

    PREG_SEQ Sequence number of the pregnancy for the specified mother

    CHILD_ID Patient ID of the child

    plus the fields

    OUTCOM Pregnancy outcomes

    OUTCOM_D Date of birth or termination of pregnancy

    B_GAGEW Gestational age in complete weeks at birth or termination

    As suggested by AS OUTCOM would also need codes for ectopic pregnancy and IUFD if tblPREG is not used.

    BM wonders about the coding of the HIV status since this is based on different tests over a longer time period (up to 18 months). Will this code be revised over time?  

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