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Last Post 27 Jan 2014 12:00 AM by  SuperUser Account
HEIGH in tblBAS moved to "additional field"
 2 Replies
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SuperUser Account

Basic Member

Basic Member

23 Jan 2014 12:00 AM
    I'd like to move the variable HEIGH in tblBAS from a core field to an additional field. Many cohorts do not collect this information, so I think its best place is in the Additional fields section.

    SuperUser Account

    Basic Member

    Basic Member

    24 Jan 2014 12:00 AM

    I would argue the opposite: most cohorts do collect this information. In COHERE in 2011 22 of 29 cohorts provided information on height.

    SuperUser Account

    Basic Member

    Basic Member

    27 Jan 2014 12:00 AM

    Interesting to know that 22 of 29 COHERE cohorts provided information on height. Is the coverage for this variable good?

    The main reason why I think this should be moved out of the core fields in tblBAS is because it's only a useful variable if tblLAB is collected. We do not collect tblLAB in CASCADE, so it's clunky for us to ask our cohorts to provide this. There is not a circumstance I can think of where one would need this information without weight which is contained in tblLAB. My suggestion is to make HEIGH optional if tblLAB is not collected and a core field if tblLAB is collected, or move this variable to tblLAB. I apologize for not specifying this in my first message.
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