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Last Post 04 Mar 2019 03:21 PM by  Max Bucht
tblCEP: include fractures in CEP_ID and corresponding codes to CEP_SPEC and CEP_V
 4 Replies
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Pernille Iversen

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New Member

12 Feb 2019 03:18 PM
    Dear all
    We have a request for the possibility to specify where a fracture is located.
    Fractures are reported in tblCEP, so we propose adding codes to CEP_SPEC, for CEP_ID = FRA.

    Alongside fracture location we also propose adding the corresponding options to field CEP_V.

    Please see attached document.

    Any comments or suggestions?
    Kind regards


    Robert Zangerle

    New Member

    New Member

    19 Feb 2019 05:20 PM

    Dear Pernille,

    I am fine with your suggestions, however, in the case of CEP_V the suggested hierarchy of numbers 

    1 = Low-trauma fracture

    2 = Osteoporotic fracture

    3 = Adequate trauma fracture

    do not reflect the current classification in RESPOND, since there you will find

    1. Traumatic          
    2. Osteoporotic/Fragility (low energy, also includes atypical fracture as a consequence of long term bisphosphonate treatment)    
    3. Pathologic (e. g due to bone metastases)

    Low- energy fractures may include fragility/stress fractures, osteoporotic fractures as well as pathologic fractures. Both classifications should aim for harmonization

    Best regards

    Robert (Zangerle)



    Robert Zangerle

    New Member

    New Member

    19 Feb 2019 05:20 PM

    Dear Pernille,

    I am fine with your suggestions, however, in the case of CEP_V the suggested hierarchy of numbers 

    1 = Low-trauma fracture

    2 = Osteoporotic fracture

    3 = Adequate trauma fracture

    do not reflect the current classification in RESPOND, since there you will find

    1. Traumatic          
    2. Osteoporotic/Fragility (low energy, also includes atypical fracture as a consequence of long term bisphosphonate treatment)    
    3. Pathologic (e. g due to bone metastases)

    Low- energy fractures may include fragility/stress fractures, osteoporotic fractures as well as pathologic fractures. Both classifications should aim for harmonization

    Best regards

    Robert (Zangerle)



    Dennis Kristensen

    New Member

    New Member

    01 Mar 2019 02:14 PM

    Dear Robert

    Agreed, the coding should be:



    Any of available options


    Interpretation of CEP_V

    1 = Traumatic

    2 = Osteoporotic/Fragility

    3 = Pathologic




    Max Bucht

    New Member

    New Member

    04 Mar 2019 03:21 PM
    We would not start tracking fracture details in our system (seems a bit complicated) but would not mind if others want to do that.
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