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0 Replies and 7806 Views ISCED 2011  7806  0 Started by  SuperUser Account Dear all, I would just like to note that there has been a revision of the International Standard Classification of Education, the ISCED 2011. Because there seem to be some significant changes in the codings, I have explicitly referenced the 1997 standard in the EDU_LVL variable that was used in the proposal. The correspondence between codings of the top-level codes between the 1997 and 2011 standards is shown in table 19 on page 66 of
0 7806
13 Sep 2011 10:56 AM
0 Replies and 7627 Views HICDEP 1.50 released  7627  0 Started by  SuperUser Account Announcement: HICDEP 1.50 released HICDEP 1.50 has been released on Sep 13 2011. This version features: the new pediatric tables: tblPREG, tblPREG_OBS, tblPREG_OUT, tblDELIVERY_MUM, tblDELIVERY_CHILD, tblNEWBORN and tblNEWBORN_ABNORM. a new table tblSAMPLES which holds information regarding sample storage. an updated list of drugs tblART The document is accessible via http://www....
0 7627
13 Sep 2011 12:00 AM
0 Replies and 7557 Views WP4 online survey tool - new version (30-jul-2011)  7557  0 Started by  SuperUser Account Please check the latest version of the online survey tool for task 4 of EuroCoord Work Package 4 (Data Inventory). I think that all changes suggested during the last TC have been implemented except for the 'Finalize' button which will be inactive until we feed the database with a list of IDs and Passwords for the data managers. The list with the lab tests has remained almost unchanged since it's an exact copy of what's in HICDEP right now. I discussed the c...
0 7557
30 Jul 2011 12:00 AM
0 Replies and 7480 Views WP4.4: New version of survey tool  7480  0 Started by  SuperUser Account Dear all, Please check the current version of the online survey tool for task 4 of EuroCoord Work Package 4 (Data Inventory). Changes compared to the previous version: Less summary statistics Added question for possible selection bias issues Added set of questions for items not currently included in HICDEP Modified (less strict) way of asking about overlaps Drop-down lists replaced by radi...
0 7480
17 Jun 2011 12:00 AM
3 Replies and 6034 Views HICDEP release process  6034  3 Started by  SuperUser Account Hello everyone, As Charlotte and Jesper pointed out at the last TC, the release process for new HICDEP versions is currently undocumented. I'm about to change that, here's what I came up so far: roughly every year, the following happens: 4 weeks before a WP4 TC, I post a message to the discussion board stating that the version currently visible in the wiki is now considered a candidate for release as-is WP4 members forward the message...
3 6034
by  SuperUser AccountJump to last post
14 Jun 2011 12:00 AM
2 Replies and 6142 Views Paediatric tables / more design issues  6142  2 Started by  SuperUser Account Hello everybody, I have discovered another issue with the pediatric tables and need your input to fix it the right way. Problem: tblPREG had only MOTHER_ID as primary key. This implies that a woman can only get pregnant once. Proposed fix: Add MENS_D (the date of the last known menstrual period) to tblPREG's primary key. This allows women to get pregnant multiple times. However, it requires also adding the MENS_D field to all tables which reference records in tblPREG, i.e. tblPREG...
2 6142
by  SuperUser AccountJump to last post
09 Jun 2011 12:00 AM
3 Replies and 6039 Views new variables for tblBAS, tblLTFU, tblLAB_VIRO  6039  3 Started by  SuperUser Account Hello everyone, Sara Lodi has sent me a list of variables which CASCADE currently collects but which are not contained in the HICDEP standard. Some of them could be interesting to add, especially if other collaborations also collect them. Questions to discuss are: Which variables are commonly collected and therfore should be added to HICDEP Should the variable be marked as additional or mandatory Should more/other coding options be added for ca...
3 6039
by  SuperUser AccountJump to last post
02 Jun 2011 12:00 AM
0 Replies and 7691 Views Spam Bot Attacks  7691  0 Started by  SuperUser Account Hello everyone, As you may have noticed, the discussion board has become more popular lately, at least concerning robots posting spam messages. In order to combat this abuse, only users logged in can post messages to the forum for the time being. I will investigate whether we can use a captcha or another suitable mechanism in the future. I apologise for the troubles caused. Kind regards, Simon
0 7691
01 Jun 2011 12:00 AM
0 Replies and 7402 Views tblSAMPLES - sample types  7402  0 Started by  SuperUser Account Hi everyone, At the last TC, Yacine raised the issue that the sample types currently provided in tblSAMPLES is rather marginal. I agree with this, but it's hard to come up with a sensible list by myself, without knowing what other cohorts collect, so here is my question: Do you know any types of samples (be it blood or other materials) that the cohorts collect but are not listed in tblSAMPLES If yes, please let us know :) Kind regards, Simon
0 7402
09 May 2011 12:00 AM
1 Replies and 5898 Views Website moved to new infrastructure  5898  1 Started by  SuperUser Account The Quality Assurance check named ATC006 (AllTables/CrossTable/'Any fields not coded as coding lists on the table definition') I think needs to be more specific for the field being tested. I was sitting with the DAD checks for the ART table– and we test both ART_RS and ART_ID for valid codes according to the table definitions. If a given record fails at least one of these checks then the error code ‘ATC006’ would not indicate which field failed. Perhaps it could b...
1 5898
by  SuperUser AccountJump to last post
20 Apr 2011 12:00 AM
2 Replies and 6024 Views Task 4.4: Data Inventory Survey  6024  2 Started by  SuperUser Account Here is a temporary link ( ) for the Data Inventory Survey system I and Sara were working on. The survey system is not complete; you will see there is a Tab labeled 'Data Collection (Non-HICDEP) which, at the moment, is empty but I'm about to start filling it with actual questions regarding items that are not yet included in the HICDEP tables. The page is hosted at my personal computer so forgive the strange looking link. Things will be prettier at...
2 6024
by  SuperUser AccountJump to last post
06 Apr 2011 12:00 AM
2 Replies and 5916 Views Suggestions/Questions for HICDEP Quality Assurance Checks  5916  2 Started by  SuperUser Account The Quality Assurance check named ATC006 (AllTables/CrossTable/'Any fields not coded as coding lists on the table definition') I think needs to be more specific for the field being tested. I was sitting with the DAD checks for the ART table– and we test both ART_RS and ART_ID for valid codes according to the table definitions. If a given record fails at least one of these checks then the error code ‘ATC006’ would not indicate which field failed. Perhaps it could b...
2 5916
by  SuperUser AccountJump to last post
05 Apr 2011 12:00 AM
13 Replies and 6165 Views Paediatric tables / design issues  6165  13 Started by  SuperUser Account Hi everybody, I am currently including the paediatric tables (tblDELIVERY, tblNEWBORN, tblPREG, tblPREG_OBS and tblPregOut) into the HICDEP 1.50 draft. You can see the status quo in the above wiki articles. One thing standing out to me is that they are not designed in a relational way. E.g. tblNEWBORN basically consists of 28 fields, a boolean and a free-text character field for every problem that can occur. This is ok if the data is recorded and fed into the database only once al...
13 6165
by  SuperUser AccountJump to last post
12 Feb 2011 12:00 AM
0 Replies and 7498 Views README  7498  0 Started by  SuperUser Account Welcome to HICDEP's discussion board This board is a place to discuss changes in the HICDEP draft for a specific table/field or just the general format. Note that anyone is allowed to participate in the discussion. Inappropriate content will be deleted by the moderators without further notice. You can subscribe to individual topics that you are interested in or the whole forum. Once subscribed, the discussion board will notify you via email about new topics or answers. Any act...
0 7498
31 Jan 2011 10:27 AM
0 Replies and 1908 Views Workshop in Paris - 6-7/12 Save the dates  1908  0 Started by  SuperUser Account The next workshop of the Eurocoord WP3 Methodology group will be organized in Paris Thursday/Friday 6-7th December 2012. 6th of December: Course by Cecile Proust-Lima on Latent Class Model 7th December: Workshop. R Thiébaut
0 1908
01 Jan 2000 12:00 AM
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